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Opal Tunic and Dress - Tie Dye Diva Patterns

This is the second pattern I have gotten the chance to write a review about. This designer does have many other amazing patterns and you should check them all out here.

Another multiple option pattern! Tunic and Dress as well as optional ruffle on the front. Pattern includes sizes 12 months to 9/10. This pattern is also amazing to layer making it the perfect pattern for all year use. You can get the pattern here right now it is going for only $5 (until Monday the 20th)

This is a very quick sew there are minimal pieces, it took me about 45 minutes from printing the PDF to final seam, which makes it perfect for your last minute back to school sewing. You can also use up those scraps you can't bear to just throw away for the ruffles and flutter sleeves.

I still haven't mastered the ruffles with knit I should have basted the ruffles onto the shirt with my regular machine first but I wanted to skip an extra seam and did it right with my serger which made the gathers not as even as it was when I pinned it. This is also easy to alter to fit perfectly to lengthen and shorten as needed, next one I make for her will be longer.

I would classify it as an advanced beginner/intermediate sewist pattern. When measuring for the fit go by measurements not RTW clothing sizes you can find the sizing chart here. If you are in between sizing then pick the one that fits the chest as the rest is pretty forgiving.

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